Data have been provided by the International Institute for Peace Studies (SIPRI) in Stockholm. The United States remains at the top, with $800,000 million for military spending in 2021 (38% of global spending). China ranks second with $293 billion (14 per cent), followed by India (3.6 per cent), Britain (3.2 per cent) and Russia (3.1 per cent). The contribution of the five countries on the top of the list represents 62 per cent of total global spending.
France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Japan and South Korea are the countries that close the list of top ten on the list.
As a result of sharp economic recovery in 2021, the global military burden—world military expenditure as a share of world #GDP—fell by 0.1 percentage points, from 2.3% in 2020 to 2.2% in 2021.
Read more about the trends in world military spending?
— SIPRI (@SIPRIorg) April 25, 2022
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