Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The City of Vitoria-Gasteiz punishes Luxury for performing “clandestine” works

  • The City Hall has imposed a fine on the company Luxury Rental Apartments, founded by Gustavo Antépara, a member of the PP of Vitoria-Gasteiz, for the comprehensive renovation works carried out without authorization in two homes of Correría and Pintor Street. The law provides for fines of between 500 and 5,000 euros for infringement, and in both cases the City Council has applied 500 euros.

11 December 2023 - 07:30

The files were opened by the Department of Territorial and Climatic Action of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz in October and November 2022. With the warning of some neighbors, a patrol of the Municipal Guard approached on November 17 to inspect the works that were being carried out on a portal of Pintor Street, as ARGIA published in April. Unauthorized works were detected in the third floor housing. Subsequently, the work was inspected by a municipal architect who not only visited the third floor, but also the second floor. The company Luxury owns all the houses of the portal. Regarding the housing of Correría Street, on October 13, 2022, he denounced the comprehensive reform works not authorized by the Municipal Guard.

In none of the works of the three houses, Luxury submitted any request for authorization, even if it is mandatory. For this reason, the City Council opened three cases to the company granting a period of one month for the legalization of “clandestine works”. Luxury presented the licenses but the city rejected them initially because the submitted projects did not conform to the works already done.

Resources and ratification

The projects were finally approved by the Department of Territorial and Climatic Action, but in any case they were fined for works performed without a license: 500 euros for the 3rd floor of the street Pintor and 500 euros for the street Correría. The least possible fine in both cases, since for this urban infraction the law provides for a fine of 500 to 5,000. Regarding the works of the second floor of the portal of the street Pintor, the City Council has not imposed fines on Luxury according to the information of ARGIA.

Luxury resorted in May to the two fines. Both were rejected by the municipal services. Regarding the fine on Correría Street, the City Council mistakenly accepted the “duplication” of the file, but once rectified, on 12 July, it decided that the infringements charged to Luxury had been “proven”. One day later the department decided on the recourse to Painter Street on July 13, and also decided to ratify the fine. The City Council thus terminated the administrative procedure and Luxury had a period of two months, if it so wishes, to continue the judicial procedure and to file the appeal with the Courts of Vitoria.

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