On August 31, when agents were performing "preventive tasks related to trafficking in human beings", they entered a prostitution site in Vitoria-Gasteiz where several of the girls forced to prostitute themselves explained "the conditions of exploitation imposed by those responsible".
Women were forced to comply with strict working hours and had very little time to enjoy their personal lives, always within a certain time frame. Also, if it was a job, they were obliged to go back to the premises and were ordered to hurry to get dressed. According to official sources, 70% of the revenues produced in these services were those responsible for the business.
They also supplied drugs to customers, if they so requested. In fact, the Ertzaintza found a drug bag underneath a bed in which several people were present. The officers asked those responsible for the company to inform them of the situation and to proceed with their arrest.
The two arrested have been brought to justice on Sunday, day 1, at the Examining Court No. 2 in Bilbao.
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