As in the rest of the Euskal Herria campus, the University of Vitoria-Gasteiz will host a new edition of the Herri Unibertsitatea from 17 to 19 February. During the last months, students have been working intensively in the elaboration of contents and in the organization of the program.
The objective of this new edition of the University of the Basque Country is to make a critical reflection on the current situation and to address the main debates that exist today. “The seed that has been deposited in the current student movement on the path of the educational system of the future expropriated”, as described by the students immersed in the organization.
It will be three days full of content, many of them created by the students themselves. Political considerations on 3 March and 8 March, as well as the debate on cultural and artistic production, will also be discussed in greater depth. There will also be room for the presentation of various dynamics, "EZ Euro Cup!" presentation of the dynamics.
The Public University intends to be a space for meeting and mutual knowledge among students. To do so, they will be held on nights in the snow on 17 and 18 February. On 19 February, an afari bertso will be held in the Auzolana fronton, ending the three-day programming.
On sale meal vouchers
At the cafeteria of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University are on sale the bonds of the University of the Basque Country for the lunch and dinner of bertsos. The organization has reported that food can also be paid at the time of the event. Tickets for the Bertsos dinner on February 19 will be on sale at the Hala Bedi bar in Donostia.
Asteazkenean izan da aurtengo Herri Unibertsitate nazionalaren aurreneko eguna, Leioako campusean. Ostegunerako ere prestatu dituzte hitzaldi, mahai-inguru eta aisialdirako jarduerak.
Otsailaren 16an eta 17an izango dira aurtengo jardunaldiak, Leioako campusean. Egitaraua aurkeztu dute jada, hitzaldi, mahai-inguru, mobilizazio eta aisialdi jarduerekin. Roberto Fineschi filosofoa, Ani Perez pedagogoa nahiz Ekida arte ekimen sozialista izango dira aurten,... [+]
"Zapalduoi beharrezkoa zaigu elkartzea, eztabaidatzea, ikastea, harremantzea, borrokatzea; klase batasunaren bidez soilik lortuko baitugu desjabetuona izango den unibertsitatea eta harreman sozial berrien eraikuntza". Asmo horrekin abiatu da Herri Unibertsitate... [+]
Bueltan da aurtengoan ere Herri Unibertsitate Nazionala. Jadanik, bost urte igaro dira Herri Uniaren proiektuari ekin geniola Euskal Herriko hainbat kanpusetan. Leioako kanpusean hasi eta zenbait Hego Euskal Herriko kanpusetara zabalduaz, hezkuntza eredu propioa eraikitzea... [+]
Herri Unibertsitatearen edizio berri bati ekin diote Leioako campuseko ikasleek, herritik herriarentzat sortutako hezkuntza eredua bultzatzea helburu. Hiru egunez, tailer, hitzaldi eta eztabaida aberasgarri ugari antolatu dituzte.
EHUko errektore Nekane Balluerkak adierazi duenez, asteazken gauean San Mamesen Herri Unibertsitatea babesteko asmoz teilatuan eutsi genion 203 ikasleon aurka salaketa aurkeztuko du. Komunikabide gehienek, beste behin ere, arreta eskaini diote hondatutako bi vending makina eta... [+]