First, they stressed that the closure of gaztetxe is not related to the health reasons of COVID-19: "We understand that, if so, they would contact the assembly that manages the space [municipalities], to inform the protocols or ask for them". On the contrary, they have seen a "political boost" in the police operation, "the impulse to ban and regulate anything that is not under control."
At the hearing, they assured that the Women’s House is acting responsibly in the face of the pandemic,” explained Gazte Asanblada, who defined an internal health security protocol, “not because someone regulates it or orders it, but because they understand it is necessary. And responsibly, we want it to remain open."
Through the occupied spaces and the young
The representatives of the different agents have argued that gaztetxe is the house of the Vitorians: of the creators, of the Euskaltzales, of the neighborhood, of the popular movements, etc. "The house on the hill is not business or company, it does not depend on value, it is based on values," he added. In particular, they criticised the municipal government (PNV-PSE) and the mayor, Gorka Uraran, who put economic profitability before the current economic crisis. Uraran has recalled that in the city there are spaces and initiatives that escape these logics, such as Errekaleor or Talka: "There, Gorka, are a reality in your/our city and are legitimate."
The last words have been used to defend gaztetxe and youth: "The young people of Vitoria-Gasteiz, those who present us with indifference, want to infantilize them, empty them of abilities, take them out of their capacity. But these are the ones that provide us with a space to organize and act. They manage to keep the door open to all Vitorians, with the door open to solidarity, with the door open to protest, with the vindictive Gasteiz, with the door open to creativity, with the door open to social responsibility. All of us who join this manifesto want that open door.”
⬇️ "The house of the hill is not a business, nor a company, does not depend on value, is based on values of life"
— Hala Bedi (@halabedi) October 30, 2020
Asteburu honetan hasiko da Gaztetxeak Bertsotan egitasmo berria, Itsasun, eta zazpi kanporaketa izango ditu Euskal Herriko ondorengo hauetan: Hernanin, Mutrikun, Altsasun, Bilboko 7katun eta Gasteizen. Iragartzeko dago oraindik finala. Sariketa berezia izango da: 24 gaztez... [+]
Errekaleor, Olarizuko etxe okupatuak, Alde Zaharrekoak... Hautu politikoz zein behar gorri hutsez okupatzen dutenen aurkako bandera harro altxatzen du Gasteizko EAJko alkate Gorka Urtaranek, PPren diskurtsoa –eta bozak– bere eginez. “Lapurrak”,... [+]
20 urte dira 198 iratxok Gasteizko kaleak hartu zituztela, 2002ko urtarrilaren 25ean. “Metro erdiko izakitxoak, aurpegi zirtolarikoak eta belarri estu-luzeak zut, irribarretsu, kolore biziz jantziak”. PPko alkate Alfonso Alonsok begiz jota zuen Gasteizko gaztetxea,... [+]