On Wednesday they announced that some Alavese parents wanted to give their son the name of Hazia, but Judge Cristina Rodríguez Ruiz has not left them and has imposed on them the foreign name of Zia. In the judge's words, Hazia's name would be "anti-dignity", since the word seed also has a sexual meaning. "Hazia has sexual connotation and is a noun that is linked to the bota verb," the judge said, according to the journalist El Diarion Iker Rioja. The judge called the child Latin Zia.
On Thursday, EiTB published that the same judge did not allow the parents of another child to name Ilargi, arguing that his son was a child and that that name was for the girls. The family says that on social media they began to look for the men named Ilargi and that one person told them that he is Jon Ilargi and that he is registered. So they tried to do it, but Judge Rodríguez Ruiz didn't give up and eventually named Jon the boy.
The family went to the Supreme Court and awaits judgment.
Euskaltzaindiak 2001etik aurrera sexuaren araberako bereizketa finkatu zuen izenetan baina IKAren Deklinabidea aplikazioa garatzen ari nintzela salbuespenak badirela konturatu nintzen. Badaude Euskaltzaindiaren gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen ponte-izenen zerrendetan, bietan,... [+]
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Abuztuaren 1eko Teleberrian ARGIAren azken aldizkarian argitaratu dugun euskal izendegiari buruzko erreportajea eta analisia izan dituzte hizpide. Etxean semearen izenarekin bizi izan dugun kasuari buruzko albistean, Euskaltzaindiko kide batek aitortu du izendegia sortzeko... [+]
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When it was already a choir, we came up with the idea of the Queer theory, not so long ago, and it promoted debates among friends. Young friends told us that the sexes aren't just two, they're a blast. We, on the other hand, are two, from the point of view of their role in... [+]
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