A year after the repatriation of the families of Palestine, the Spanish Government has announced that it will no longer fund the reception programme. The Government has announced that the stay in hostels in the city will end on 31 December and that the places will not be enlarged. The City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz has announced that from January it will cover the cost of housing for five families in the Gaza Strip.
The Socialist Housing Union of the Basque Country and the Socialist Council of Euskal Herria have denounced the situation of these families this Tuesday at a press conference. In addition, they have demanded that the stays be "immediately and indefinitely" and that there be no further evictions in the CAV.
The reception programme, managed by the Government Subdelegation, has given an ultimatum to the five families living in the hostels and hostels of Vitoria-Gasteiz without any alternative. The Housing Union has denounced that as of 1 January families are at risk of staying in the street. The movement has criticized that they "have done no more than repeat" that they will have to get a home on their own before the deadline.
Social Policy Councilor Lucho Royero has announced that the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz will pay the costs of the accommodation and that these families will have an appointment in the municipal social services to analyze, on a case by case basis, their situation.
Families have been in a situation of uncertainty for months. According to socialist sources of the Basque Country Housing and EHKS, the Spanish Government informed them in August that it would stop financing the project and that in October they would abandon the reception programme. Following the public denunciation of the movement, the Subdelegation extended the programme for a further two months.
The Socialist Housing Union has denounced that the threat of staying on the street in a few days puts families in a situation of "grave tension and agony". They call for an end to the uncertainty of provisional extensions.
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