The demonstration has departed from St. Antón Square at 19:00 in the afternoon and has run through France Street. The Gaztetxe del Casco Viejo started at 18:30 hours the youth block organized by Negea (The organization of young girls* in Vitoria-Gasteiz) under the motto Young girls intertwining the arrakalado system. But young women have not been the only protagonists, it has been a manifestation full of women* at different times of life. The march has stopped at several points of the tour and, from time to time, they have screamed: Let us take advantage of the crisis situation that the pandemic has brought to change everything!
Health crisis
Since the beginning of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, it has become clear what feminisms are shouting: women* (and mostly migrated women) are the ones who perform essential care tasks to maintain life. The situation generated by the health crisis has also increased the exploitation of domestic and care workers, the dismissal of many people, the situation of serious housing and lack of independence, the loss of income of sex workers, the free exercise of violence by the aggressors against women who live with them and their children.
Therefore, they have called for a community care system that guarantees the value of caregivers and the right of all people to be cared for. The public, because we have to end the business of care and the community, because they understand that it is the responsibility of all people to assume the care that corresponds to us. They wanted to remember the importance of organising community spaces.
They also wanted to denounce the militarization of the streets under the guise of the pandemic and police abuse and persecution with the most vulnerable groups, including the risk of life and residence of women in irregular administrative situations. They screamed: Nobody is illegal! They have called for the immediate repeal of the Aliens Act, because “it is infamous for people’s lives.”
Gender dissidence
Transsexuals have also been taken into account, as this machista and transphobic system systematically punishes them. They consider it urgent to adopt a trans law that eliminates the pathology of transsexuality.
They have called for great cracks in this heteropatriarchal, racist, transphobic, capitalist and biocidal system, and for the destruction of neo-slavery and relocation models. We also want an economy based on conscious, responsible and transformative consumption. They screamed: “We demand the system from sexual dissent, from the recognition of care and questioning our privileges.”
Transnational corporations
Transnational corporations are becoming more and more numerous, destroying and plundering natural resources and reducing the labour rights of workers to the maximum. They have denounced that some of these transnational corporations operating in countries with more flexibility and impunity are located in the Basque Country. “While a few benefit, others are losing everything. As borders close for people, they open up for the traffic of goods and lives.”
The event took place in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca by the hand of the feminist rapper @Haizeatxo: “The police don’t take care of me, my friends do,” he sang.
GORA BORROKA FEMINIST! !#Gasteiz#m8#March 8@haizeatxoo @argia
— leoo (@lbueriberi) March 8, 2021
Martxoaren 8a hurbiltzen ari zaigu, eta urtero bezala, instituzioek haien diskurtsoak berdintasun politika eta feminismoz josten dituzte, eta enpresek borroka egun hau “emazteen egunera” murrizten dute, emakumeei bideratutako merkatu estereotipatu oso bati bidea... [+]
Martxoak 8aren izaera iraultzailea berreskuratzeko deia egin du Itaia emakumeen antolakunde sozialistak. Irene Ruiz Itaiako kideak azaldu digunez, “oldarraldi erreakzionarioaren eta matxismoaren aurrean proposamen iraultzailea hauspotu eta kontzientzia sozialista... [+]
Martxoaren 8an kalera ateratzera deitu ditu herritarrak mugimendu feministak, "desberdinkeriek bere horretan" dirautelako. Zapalkuntza mekanismo berriak agertu direla salatu dute, eta feminismoa "ezkerreko borroken erdigunera" eramateko beharra aldarrikatu.
The elegant old woman crossed over our husband's arm. Known from sight, I saw that I was a little wrong, the strokes of age. A real lady eibarresa: a pearl necklace, which with her hair carved and proud, being Friday, knew she was in the morning in the hairdresser. This is a very... [+]
In Euskal Herria, we are talking about the care model. We continue to denounce privatization by claiming the need for a public system. We are building alliances to eradicate the racist system. We are questioning models of governance and demanding other models. We have the... [+]
I've sung a version of Zea Mays' famous song for my own colco. March has gone and I have named him, although I know he has little original. The month of April has come, and I promise, really, that I did not want to talk about this. March purple is an overload for you. Others,... [+]
Although we still do not analyse in depth the collective impact of the pandemic, it is no exaggeration to say that it has left us the demands we have made “our”. One of them is that we must focus care once and for all.
The issue of care is increasingly central in Euskal... [+]