At the gates of the Carnivals, the self-managed projects of Vitoria-Gasteiz have joined the initiative. The Gaztetxe, Talka, Errekaleor, the Sumendi space and the Fronton Auzolana of Vitoria-Gasteiz will be disguised on 22 February to claim that “in the raw winter, they are the daemon of self-management.”
The members of the five spaces and all the people who want to join the initiative will disguise themselves as devils.
With this new dynamic they want to deal with the capital “master and owner” of Vitoria, to “heat” the streets, neighborhoods and thousands of citizens who are “condemned to freezing in the dead of winter”. “Willing to break with the monopoly of heat, once again we try to shake the streets and we will come together to make our own winter in the Self-managed Space of Vitoria-Gasteiz,” they explained in the note.
🔱22 February🔱
City of Capital 🤵👮🚓
Become Hell 💥👹😈
— Errekaleor Bizirik! (@errekaleor) february 3, 2020
It is not the first time that the Self-managed Spaces of Vitoria-Gasteiz meet in the context of carnivals, in 2016 the dynamic “Okalauasa” was launched. The indigenous tribes were then taken as a theme.
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