Faced with the inability to pay the mortgage, the BBVA bank agreed in 2017 the rental associated with the Social Funds with the woman living in Bilbao. A year later, the bank sold to the fund Cerberus 80% of its real estate agency. This year, the real estate agency Divarian has requested the dismissal of the family motivating the non-payment of the rent, but it has been suspended by a bilbaíno judge until 30 June 2023, according to the law of no eviction of vulnerable families.
In the face of this, the real estate Divarian has asked Iberdrola to cut light and gas, and this family has at least ten days, despite being aware of payments with Iberdrola. The Stop Layoffs platform recalls that it is forbidden to cut off supplies to vulnerable families.
Moreover, the company has called on women to leave their homes and the platform has denounced the “mafious attitude” of the BBVA real estate and the vulture fund.
Since the Stop Launch, they have called for a stop to pressure on the family and for “unlawfully suspended supplies to be restored as soon as possible”: “Housing is a right, not a business held by banks and vulture funds.”
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