Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The mayor of the town will ask the Education Counselor for the necessary collaboration for the student with cerebral palsy in Usurbil

  • With 87% motor disability, a young Usurbil who is studying Vocational Training needs an assistant at all school hours, but is rejected by the Department of Education, and the cases are powders: EH Bildu has moved the issue to the Basque Parliament, the Steilas trade union has denounced the situation and the mayor of Usurbil is analysing measures, such as writing a letter to Advisor Jokin Bildarratz: “It’s sad that the family has to ask for a right.”
Zer egingo du Hezkuntza Sailak aipaturiko ikaslearen “hezkuntza eskubidea duintasunez bermatzeko”? Sailburuaren erantzunak egun batzuetan heldu beharko luke.

20 June 2023 - 01:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

ARGIA showed that the young man from Usurbil has been a collaborator in all his school hours in his academic career, but when he has gone to Vocational Training, he has only been a part-time collaborator. No progress can be made in the hours when there is no companion, and the centre itself has requested a full-time assistant, based on several professionals and reports, but has been refused by the Department of Education. This situation leads students to psychological therapy.

EH Member Bildu, Jokin Bildarratz Ikoitz Arrese, asks about: Is the Department of Education aware of this situation? Why has full-time aid been refused? What will the Department of Education do to “dignify the right to education” of the aforementioned student?... The counselor’s response should be addressed in a few days.

ARGIA was clearly mentioned by Ikoitz Arrese: “The resources corresponding to these students cannot be calculated by means of a mathematical exercise, in this case the student needs at all times a companion to guarantee the right to education, there is no possible compromise.”

"It is not possible to calculate by mathematical exercise the resources corresponding to these students, in this case the student needs at all times a companion and there is no possible transaction"

“We are a long way from inclusive education”

On the other hand, the mayor of Usurbil, Agurtzane Solabarrieta, has informed us that she will address a letter to the Minister of Education and the Director of Vocational Training, “denouncing the situation fundamentally and asking for measures to reorient the situation for the next course and guarantee the right to education of the student, putting a full-day assistant for it”. He stresses that the case is “very serious” and shows that we are still “far from inclusive education”.

The mayor will also meet with the education technician and the social services to analyze, in addition to the pressure (and if the government does not respond with that pressure), what else could be done of the city council.

Solabarrieta praises the struggle of this student’s family, “How many faded and succumbed to the road? What consideration should be given to us, because those who fight and make noise can achieve what they deserve, but the others what? Mary is not only fighting for her daughter, she is for everyone, and it is sad that the family has to ask her for a right.”

Without diminishing the importance of the solution required in this case, the Mayor wanted to generalize the complaint and added that the situation asks us all: “We have a lot to do to improve the living conditions of these people, for example, from the municipal point of view I am thinking of the accessibility of buildings and towns and cities.”

"How many families would stay on the road? What should reflection give us, because the person who fights and makes noise can achieve what he is entitled to, but the others what?"

“Exclusion of students with special educational needs”

The Steilas trade union has also strongly criticised the issue: “Although the Department of Education is in the mouth with words such as inclusion, we are aware that students with special educational needs tend to leave it without sufficient resources or often without them, violating inclusion, the right to education and equal opportunities.”

Given the lack of support from students with cerebral palsy, “the discrimination suffered by students with special educational needs is unacceptable. If we are to ensure genuine inclusion, the right to education of students and equal rights, there is a need to reform the criteria for allocating resources and allocating the necessary resources at all levels of education, including vocational training”.

He criticizes that “the exclusion of students with special educational needs, the irresponsible management of resources and the lack of response to centers and families”.

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