On 9 December, a 57-year-old truck driver died in a work accident in the Vizcaina town of Larrabetzu. It is a worker of the company Trans Jaylo S.A., who has been involved in the departure of the truck from the road when the cabin was hit hard. The operator, who had just downloaded the material in the port of Santurtzi, went to Abadiño to load coils in a company there.
ELA explained that due to poor working conditions, the transport sector faces one of the highest rates of occupational accidents. He explained that the pressure exerted by employers in the transport sector, which he described as "strategic", and the poor state of some roads "aggravate" the situation and that these kinds of accidents are often recorded as traffic accidents.
LAB has also denounced the accident at work. According to the union, 12 carriers have died so far this year, resulting in 61 deaths at work in the Basque Country since the beginning of the year, 2 more than last year. He explained that deaths in the transport sector “are absolutely avoidable”, for which “there is no need but political will to implement measures that guarantee the labor rights of carriers, as well as the involvement of all public institutions and companies”.
LAB also accuses the Government of Navarra of “covering up data on fatal accidents at work” at the end of November.
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