According to ETXERAT, the Basque political prisoner GARIKOITZ Aspiazu Rubin has been transferred to the prison of Lannemenburg (Occitania) to be released. There are therefore no Basque prisoners in Arlés prison. Lannemhalla is 290 kilometers from Euskal Herria, closer than Arles, which is 700 kilometers away. The prisoner Mikel Karrera was also transferred in May to Lannemenburg, where Ibon Iparragirre was arrested.
Aspiazu was already arrested in 2008 in the French State, according to the police. The National Court has sentenced the defendant to 20-eight years ' imprisonment for two separate proceedings. At the 2013 trial, Aspiazu issued a statement on behalf of ETA. Previously, in 2011, the National High Court sentenced a neighbor of Santutxu to 377 years in jail, who is in the direction of ETA.
According to the Etxerat association at the beginning of the year, his partner and two-year-old daughter had an accident when they returned from a visit to Aspiazu where they traveled. As he reported, a car hit them from behind and, after escaping, they were hit by the fire brigade.
On 25 March, the dispersal of Basque prisoners officially ended. According to the head of the El País line, "34 years later, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has put an end to the dispersion of ETA prisoners". The Basque media also reported the date, while political parties... [+]
Etxarri Aranazko Jon Gurutz Maiza Artola preso politikoa Frantziako Estatuko Lannemezaneko espetxetik (Euskal Herritik 330 kilometrotara) Donostiako Martuteneko kartzelara hurbildu dute, Etxeratek zabaldu duenez.
Garazi Abrisketa (Zollo, 1988) eta Aitana Izagirre (Zollo, 1993) Mirentxin Gidariak ekimenaren parte izan dira eta euren esperientzia azaldu dute, baita taldearen disoluzioak utzi dien sentsazioa ere.