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Gari and Josu Zabala will offer a second concert with the Hertzainak repertoire

  • On Wednesday they announced that Gari and Josu Zabala will offer two concerts playing the repertoire of the Hertzainak group. After exhausting all tickets for the concert on September 26 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, on September 25 they organized a new meeting for the nostalgic of the 80's band.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Both concerts have been baptized with the name "will be more joyful than Inun" and have included a fragment of the lyrics of the song Ta zer gives also to the band created in Vitoria. This year marks 38 years since the birth of the band, a pioneer in the fusion of punk and ska in Euskera, and as you have explained, this meeting has to do with this anniversary.

As soon as it was published on 25 September that the concert of the Basques was to be played in Bilbao, the tickets were exhausted. For this reason, a new appointment has been announced this Wednesday so that the hobby can enjoy the function in the Main Theatre of Vitoria-Gasteiz. It will be on 25 September, also in the Euskalduna Palace.

Resurrections against the Hertzainak Group

In 1993 Hertzainak stopped playing live at the sports club of Anoeta (Donostia-San Sebastián), after the sand concert that can be seen in full in the video below.

Then the band has reappeared on the stage in a few moments: In 1993 they met in Izarra (Álava) to offer a 45-minute concert in solidarity with Cuba. They also met to play in an Araba Euskaraz, and in the second half of the 1990s in San Sebastian at a festival in tribute to the revolutionary Ernesto Guevara "Che".

We had to wait until 2012 to see the group back on the stage. He was in the Helldorado room of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in a tribute to the member of the Tito Aldama group (in the video below you can see how the Hertzainak played).

In the same year, Gari and Josu Zabala also took some joint action, as in the Kafe Antzokia of Ondarroa. In the images below you can see singing Si vis pacem parabellum.

The two concerts of the Euskalduna have a precedent that approached in time: Gari and Josu Zabala played together the classic Aitormena and five other songs at the Arriaga de Bilbao, in a concert they offered in February of this year. The time he collected EITB.

You are interested in the channel: Euskal Rock Erradikala
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