Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A cleaner is forced to work in a wheelchair at the Mendigoiti School in Pamplona

  • María Elena Escudero, 56, had to return this Thursday to her cleaning post at Mendigoiti College, in the Mendillorri district of the Navarre capital. On Wednesday they told him not to go for the Zainak company and on Thursday they will return to do so in the workplace.

04 October 2024 - 08:47

According to the LAB trade union, Escudero received the warning from Zaindu company that on Wednesday at 17:00 hours he had to start the school cleaning work. Because of his state of health, Escudero has to make his visits in a wheelchair, so LAB denounced that his situation is not like to start working in the cleaning and called a meeting at the school door, under the motto Lan osasuna is our right.

However, on Wednesday, the company informed Escudero that the social security assessment had not yet arrived and that, therefore, it did not need to go to work. On Thursday, the worker received a new call from the company in which he was informed that the report has already arrived, so he has moved to the centre.

Mr Escudero has done so and has joined the centre with the LAB advisors, who, after an intense debate between advisors and managers of the company, have handed over work tools to the worker and indicated that she has to work alone, with no help from anyone. Given the situation, Escudero decides to leave the center.

According to LAB, Escudero, 56, has a recognized disability of 49% and according to a report by Osasunbidea, he needs a wheelchair for journeys of more than ten to fifteen minutes. Last Wednesday, the union was pleased with the company’s decision, Zaindu, to reverse pressure. Now, however, it has shown its disappointment and linked the situation with the reform announced by the Social Security Minister, Enma Saiz. According to the LAB coordinator in Navarra, Imanol Karrera, “it seems that from now on, even though the workers are on leave, we will have to accept going to work in a taka-taka or wheelchair.”

In this video you have collected the time of entry and the statements made by Escudero previously.


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