On 11 September a concentration was held in the Plaza del Arriaga in the capital of Biscay. The LAB trade union has received the message from the outsourced workers:
"We are workers who are part of the educational community, we are school transport, dining or cleaning workers. Mostly women, we do basic jobs with reduced practices and periodic, invisible and precarious contracts. Without us, the teaching process cannot be initiated. But both the Committee on Education and the Employers are acting without regard to us.
We school cleaning workers have worked throughout the pandemic, because our work is critical. However, our historic demands for the dignification of employment have not been taken into account, as if cleaning were a function of women. Also at this beginning of the course, we still have low salaries, part-time working hours and unbearable workloads. The classrooms have been reopened and the work has multiplied but there have been hardly any new hiring, at least not as much as Cristina Uriarte promised. Both the Department of Education and the Employers remain unaware of the value of our role.
Canteens workers and school transport workers live with concern the confinement times and since then we have made various mobilizations with alternatives, requesting meetings of the Department of Education or presenting protocols for the safe commissioning of canteens and buses. But both the Department of Education and the Employers have turned a deaf ear and have not sat with the workers' representatives.
"Strengthening the service of cleaning, dining and school transportation is essential for our sons and daughters to return to classrooms safely"
The role we play in the educational community is fundamental. But we are not taken into account. In order to carry out our duties, it is essential to lower the ratios, extend the days and recruit more staff. Strengthening the cleaning, dining and school transportation service is essential for our sons and daughters to return to classrooms safely. And all of this must be agreed with the workers' representatives.
It's time to value the work we do. We do not want to remain silent, submissive and precarious women; therefore, we too, on September 15, are going to the Strike, for a safe and agreed educational return."
I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]
And for another year, the unions have organized prefabricated strikes for us. And we, individually, will decide whether or not to join the strike, without the need for any assembly at the school.
The strike model that I was taught is no longer in vogue, it seems. In my... [+]
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]