Among the attendees were different degrees of knowledge of the Hika: some, heard from children to the elderly of the house, others, hardly, arrived without knowing what is the Noka, or that dominated the Hika of men, but not the treatment of women.
Although the course was quite simple, we can say that it responded to the previously established objectives. The first objective was to recover and relive noka treatment. To do this, through different dynamics, we decided to put the hika in the mouths and ears of young people; that is, among boys and girls, I have brought to practice both the toka and the rope, in order to be able to use it in different areas on a daily basis. For example, in crew, juerga, whasap, bars, university, family, etc.
The first dynamic is organized through questions and answers. Each participant was given three different colored tokens: questions in green and answers in blue. Through numbers randomly extracted from a bag, we seek interaction among the participants and exchange questions and answers. The abovementioned files were logically written in Hitano so that our “students” would know the usual verbs and use the toka or noka that they had to choose according to the receiver. We used to clear up many doubts and give some tricks to internalize the “hika verbs” from the verbs used in everyday life.
The timing of the first dynamic was not the most appropriate, perhaps because we had lost a lot of time in the first game. Still, the participation was total and we had many doubts
The timing of the first dynamic was not the most appropriate, perhaps because we had lost a lot of time in the first game. Still, the participation was total and we had the opportunity to solve many doubts. The second dynamic was much more “comfortable” for the participants. We proposed to them to ask free questions and answers.
First of all, we distribute a small chop among the students, with the verbs that can be used the most in daily life – even if it is a lot to say – and a few sentences. After a minute's reading, we pulled out a plastic ball, and again, we got our hands on it. We all agreed on one issue, and then, randomly, you had to throw the ball at another person with a phrase. I would say that this dynamic was better received than the previous one, but since then the demand was temporary. Unfortunately, we did not have time to carry out the third dynamic. We wanted to use the Quick Dating format, that is, short one-minute talks on any topic, among the participants.
So things, in short, we would like to organize a concentration of this kind, as far as possible, to put into practice what we learned in this first workshop, to guarantee that practice between friends and friends, and to learn to master the same tutorial every day.
In our humble opinion, the young people of Arratia have an unbeatable opportunity to start resuscitating Noka. If at the level of Arratia there was the possibility of creating a stable and “militant” group in favor of the use of noka, both at the party and through initiatives of character Hika Lagun, we believe that the valley would gain a lot in wealth and equality. As it is said in Arratia “Garana appears June”, and we, at least, are in it, teaching ours!
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