At a press hearing held this Wednesday at noon, they recalled that 20 years have passed since the creation of the Gara newspaper and the suspension of payments for 15 years, as Iñaki Soto explained.
The origin of this situation lies in a decision taken by Judge Baltasar Garzón in 2003: Gara was accused of “ideological succession” of Egin, and was overthrown by the debt that the closed newspaper had to the Social Security: 4.7 million.
According to the newspaper’s director Iñaki Soto, a start has been made with the Social Security system to settle this debt. “We put an end to a stage of resistance,” he explained.
But the agreement is going to put Gara in a very complicated situation. Soto explained that in the coming years very important monthly payments will be made, of around EUR half a million per month. Once the process is completed, the project will have to have an investment of more than EUR 3 million. “We will have to pay more unfairly than the annual salary of all our workers,” Soto said.
“We trust ourselves, we believe we can do it,” Soto said. But he has appealed to public institutions, social partners and citizens in general. “This is not a particular problem of ours,” Soto stressed.
In this sense, they begin a stage of dialogue with institutions and social agents. He also explained that they are "very concerned" about how they are going to deal with this new coup d'état. "Since our foundation we have not asked for more financial aid. We are now going to put in place mechanisms to channel an effective baby and articulate solidarity in the face of this aggression."
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