A woman denounces that on Thursday she was forbidden to participate in the sokatira among the crews of the San Fausto festivities in Basauri, dressed in skirt rather than skirt. According to the criteria established by the crews to regulate the game, women should wear a skirt and men pants. In denouncing the fact of Thursday, the woman explains on social media that the rules have long demanded that girls do not have to dress in skirt, but the request has not been taken into account in the meeting of crews.
They even accuse them of opposing: "They told me that the norm had a legal vacuum because it meant that you had to dress in official clothes, and knitted, regardless of gender and sex. But apparently, at the next meeting of the local groups, reference was made to the issue and the issue of the sexes was made concrete, without asking anyone and without voting in the crews," explains the woman in the networks, according to BERRIA. The sea thief is part of the crew and says he wants to participate in the sokatira with the pants because with the skirt he does not feel “identified”.
The victim has denounced on social media through an instant video that prevents him from accessing the playing field. He states that they have “discriminated publicly” and that in this regard he feels “anger and impotence”. She warns that refusal to participate in the pants goes against the Law on Equality of the Basque Government and takes the case to the Women's House of Basauri.
The Local Group and the Quadrilles of Persecution and Robbers wanted to clarify with a note that the rules are those agreed “unanimously” in the assembly. He says that the issue of clothing has been discussed several times, but that by “highly sensitive issue” it will be dealt with gradually. However, the debate seems to chain the argument of tradition: the crews have considered that keeping clothes is a way to maintain their “essence” and to differentiate them from the rest of the peoples.
The members of the Basauri Youth Feminist Group, Kiskali, have informed the media GEURIA of their adherence to the woman’s complaint, as they consider that “garments should not have gender”. Although this year can't fix what happened, they claim that in the coming years they will participate as a feminist movement in the debate on official clothing.
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