"Being a journalist demands commitment to society, without censorship, self-care, pressure, or clientelism. Anyone who renounces this ceases to be a journalist and becomes a writer or a public relations person under dictatorship. Nòs Diario wants to be a free and incorruptible press," says Nòs Diario: A dream that has come true in the news.
The website will be updated 365 days a year www.nosdiario.gal and the paper newspaper will be published from Tuesday to Saturday. These are 32 pages, which will classify the information in the following sections: Galicia, Economy and Labour, International, Opinion, Culture and Agenda. On Saturdays he will take the supplement Sermos Galiza, name of the weekly created in 2012 and of the project that has been the germ of this newspaper.
"We are going to bring to the forefront of the information – they say – issues that are not on the media agenda of Galicia. Culture, work, feminisms, language, diaspora, civil rights, history, memory, environmentalism... Everything that interests the public that has an open, current and involved thought, that does not reflect in the usual press the ideas for the improvement of society".
The newspaper will be sold in 2,400 establishments throughout Galicia at a price of 1.50 euros, and on Saturdays it will cost 3 euros each. They offer multiple subscription options.
Hizkuntza bizia orain! egin dute oihu galizieraren aldeko milaka manifestarik Santiago de Compostelan (Galizian) joan den igandean. 2024ko hondarrean, azken inkestako datuek pozteko arrazoirik ez zuten eman: ezagutzak eta erabilerak, biek, egin dute atzera. Galera handiagoa da... [+]
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