Thousands of people met in the mobilizations called by the Quiero Galego platform on 17 May. It was Letters Day in Galician and they mobilized to drive the use of Galician and advance the defense of the language. The protesters exclaimed in Santiago de Compostela that "although wet, the Galician does not shrink", when he launched a raincoat and the motto of mobilization was 'Galician now and always'.
In addition, prior to the mobilization, Marcos Maceira, spokesman for the platform Deseo Galego and president of the Linguistic Standardization Bureau, defended the future of the Galician. Maceira highlighted the successes of social mobilization over the past year and, thanks to the Xabarin initiative, announced that Netflix will soon double in Galician.
On the other hand, he praised the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia, adding that it is "historic", a ruling that obliges the administration to guarantee the use of Galician. However, he says that there are oppositions on the part of the public authorities.
Lagunarekin galizieraz ari zelako gizon batek besoetatik heldu eta demanda egin ziola salatu du emakume batek Lugon. Poliziak erasotzailea identifikatu du dagoeneko. “Gure herrian gure hizkuntza hitz egiteagatik beldur izatea nahi dute, baina ez gara geldituko”,... [+]