On the festivity of the Galician homeland, thousands of people have concentrated in Santiago de Compostela to reclaim the sovereignty of the country. Convened by BNG, on Sunday they made a march in favor of a "borderless" nation to "build a better future" under the motto Unha Galiza in limits.
In order to comply with security measures, no cultural events have been organized following today ' s demonstration. At the end of the march, BNG spokeswoman Ana Pontón continued her intervention in Plaza Quintana. The president of the Basque pp has referred to the problems they have to advance as a nation and has denounced the lack of involvement of pp. President Alberto Núñez Feijóo explained that he has a “small” look and that creating a “big” Galicia would bring him problems: “With more and more competences, their disability is better seen.”
The spokesman has also strongly criticised the Spanish monarchy, to which he added that they have their hands free "against centralism" and "against the great economic forces". “We’ll leave this square knowing it’s in our hands. Knowing that we are all unstoppable together,” Pontoon proclaimed.
Finally, he wished to underline the role of BNG, which has been "very important". The party, which has described it as "open and plural", has been defined as "the alternative of the future". It has chosen to launch a “green and feminist policy” and has been positive in the face of the forthcoming elections: it was the second political force in the Galician elections in 2020.
Before the demonstration began in Santiago de Compostela, planes of the Spanish Army have painted the sky above them in red and yellow. The protesters have responded by whistling the protesters, who have chanted slogans like the following formula: “Whether you like it or not, Galicia is a nation.”
Datorren larunbatean aurkeztuko dute ekimena Santiago de Compostelan. Kataluniako Òmnium Cultural elkartearekin antzekotasunak dituztela adierazi dute sortzaileek.
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