Every year they call the Jails March That Comes Home! platforms and movements against the Ceivar repression in favour of the independence political prisoners in Galicia. In previous editions they have had to travel to prisons in the Spanish state such as Aranjuez, Cáceres or Ávila. This year, for the first time, a trip from Galicia was made on 1 June to the prison of Teixeiro in Coruña.
It's been about two months since Teto R. Fialhega and Edu Vigo, after their repatriation of the prisoners of Dueñas and Ocaña to that of Teixeiro. The third prisoner of the group, Raúl Agulheiro, is in Villabona (Asturias), at his own request, as he is the closest prison to his family. The other two prisoners linked to independence, Carlos Calvo and Ariam Mosquera, are not part of the collective. They are also imprisoned in the vicinity of their home, in Villabona and in the A lama (Orense, Galicia), respectively.
The end of the dispersion is the result of many years of struggle. The claim has been supported by broad sectors of Galician society, including the political parties BNG and En Marea, among others. Come back home! According to Andy de Tena, a member of the platform, to La Redonda, this is an important step, but new ones are needed: “In order to disperse the risks on the road, the great economic expenses and many sufferings disappear. But Teixeiro is not a good prison. So far this year, there has been one death inside and two fires in the isolation modules. Our struggle is not over, we remain vigilant that all of their rights are respected and their grief is reduced, which is absolutely unfair.”
Repression of the Basque country
Leftist independentism has held political prisoners for decades. In the late 1990s, the last prisoners linked to the Army Guerrilheiro do Povo Galego Ceive left the prisons. Starting in 2005, a new generation has been the starting point for repression.
Since then, the National Court has linked operations that have struck independence with the Galician Resistance Group, in application of the special anti-terrorist legislation. Numerous movements in Galicia report that it has taken place in the name of the fight against terrorism against youth organisations, gaztetxes or political organisations. Currently, twelve members of the political organization Causa Galiza are awaiting trial, prosecuted by the National Court.
Here, the video of the march of Galicia contraindicated:
Datorren larunbatean aurkeztuko dute ekimena Santiago de Compostelan. Kataluniako Òmnium Cultural elkartearekin antzekotasunak dituztela adierazi dute sortzaileek.
Galiziar preso independentisten senide eta lagunak biltzen dituen Que voltem para a casa! elkarteak deituta, dispertsioa salatzeko Marcha às cadeias izeneko martxa egingo dute Espainiako Estatuko hainbat espetxetara, otsailaren 3an eta 4an.
Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionalak zazpi urte eta sei hilabeteko espetxe zigorra ezarri dio Raul Agulheiro galiziar militante independentistari, defentsak, fiskaltzak eta Estatuko Abokatuak akordioa lortu eta gero. Fiskaltzaren hasierako zigor eskaria 29 urtekoa izan zen. 2014an... [+]
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