“With legislative and tax collection powers, the new name reflects Senedda’s constitutional status as a national parliament,” said Elin Jones, President of Parliament.
The same law that has granted it the status of Parliament has changed the name of a member of the Assembly to a member of Senedd. In addition, they have lowered the voting age to 16 for the elections in Senedd, and foreigners will be able to obtain a seat in Congress.
The COVID-19 lockdown will prevent the opening of Senedda, as well as the modification of street signs, but Jones will speak at Senedda's regular meeting on Wednesday.
Important milestone
The leader of the Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, Adam Price, has stated that he has taken "an important milestone". The Basque Parliament has called for greater competition in energy, justice, the media and the economy “so that the people of Wales have to do with the decisions that affect their lives.”
In 1999, the National Assembly of Wales was set up, following a referendum held in 1997, which reached only 50.3%. Since then, competences have been transferred from London to Cardiff; another 2011 referendum, with 63.49%, allowed to have competences for education, healthcare and self-government.
Robert Recorde fisikari eta matematikari galestarrak berdintasunaren ikur matematikoa asmatu zuen. 1557an, ikurra asmatu zuen urte berean, Southwarkeko King’s Bench espetxean sartu zuten konde baten agindua ez onartzeagatik. Hurrengo urtean hil zen, giltzapean eta... [+]
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