The PSE lehendakari candidate, Idoia Mendia, has stated that the victims of the GAL "do not need a commission of inquiry because we know what the committees of inquiry are for, especially in the political climates we have lately in Congress".
In an interview with Onda Vasca, Mendia referred to the declassified reports of the cia and said that "the committees of inquiry into victims of terrorism are not helpful." "If anyone believes that the report from the CIA contains data that until now were not known, they have to bring it to justice, which is where it is. Let him be informed to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and set in motion a judicial proceeding,” he said. In this regard, he stressed that truth and justice "are applied in the courts" of justice.
In addition, Mendia has reaffirmed the measures taken by his party and has attacked EH Bildu in the plenary of the Basque Parliament. "Those who have more duties are those who are unable to recognise the injustice of the murder, either for state reasons or for political reasons," he said.
He has also resorted to armed conflict to reject, together with EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Van-IU, the possibility of it becoming a "left tripartite". Mendia has identified in the Basque Parliament "a party with outstanding duties" and clarified that "there is no option until firm and ethically shared foundations are materialised".
Javier Chicote eta Juan Fernández-Miranda kazetariek El jefe de los espías (Espioien burua) liburua argitaratu berri dute. ABC espainiar egunkariko kazetariak dira biak, lehena ikerketa taldekoa eta bigarrena ABCko zuzendariaren albokoa. Hamalau urtez Espainiako... [+]