Entrepreneurs in favour of the Galician language have another story to tell, unfortunately, in their black book. It happened in O Grove this Wednesday. On the well-known island of A Toxa, in the village of Pontevedresa, where there are spas, leisure spaces for elites and meeting infrastructures, the top political and economic leaders, including Spanish King Felipe Borboi, were holding the La Toja Forum to talk about “Atlantic values”.
Convened by the Bureau of Linguistic Normalization of Galicia, they have concentrated on the bridge that connects the island with the people to ask for respect for the official toponymy and for the name A Toxa. Banners with slogans such as A Toxa polo seu nome, or Eu quero galego, carrying slogans have been displayed during the concentration.
The Civil Guard has violently taken the minority language activists, preventing the crossing of the bridge. The President of the Bureau, Marcos Maceira, has shot down several demonstrators when he has pushed them down the sidewalk, including the president.
? Assaults on the concentration of Mesa na ponte da Toxa by police for defending linguistic legalidade #aToxa pic.twitter.com/lbFg0VExd8
— A Mesa Normalization Linguistics (@amesanl) September 29, 2021
The spokesmen for this Bureau, in addition to denouncing the aggression, have spoken in favour of linguistic standardization: “It is a disgrace that 35 years after the adoption of the legislation recognizing the official status of both of us we still have to mobilize,” they said, according to Nós Diario. Thus, they have demanded the Government of Spain to enforce the law in the linguistic field “and to request that this Forum use a legitimate and legal toponym, because it is called A Toxa”, explained Marcos Maceira himself.
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