He became ill on March 10 with coronavirus symptoms and today it is still bad. In the coronavirus it has not tested positive in all the tests that have been carried out, and as the relationship with her medical family has "deteriorated", the young neighbor of Tolosaldea does not want to give a name.
He has been ill for six months and says that he has ‘lost’ his life, but he is ‘optimistic’, saying that ‘I know what will happen’. It took a long time to realize that in their own way, there were more people going wrong: “In August, the head of work spent an interview with a person from Aiaraldea, and after reading it I felt identified,” he says.
Those who follow the symptoms of coronavirus in their own way have created the association: Sustainable COVID-19 Platform of the Basque Country. The young man in Tolosaldea is a member of the Board of Spokespersons, and has recognized that he has been very helpful in talking to people at his disposal and sharing situations. She is convinced that she will not be the only one in the region, and she wanted to make the association known, and has provided the email address covidpersistente.euskalherria@gmail.com to be able to contact them.
On 10 March it went wrong. “The coronavirus was heard, but it was still very new and it was forbidden to go to the doctor,” he explained. “At that time the test was only done to direct contacts, I don’t know where I got infected and I didn’t have to do the test.”
He started with a high fever and intense chest pain, and every day he suffered extreme fatigue. “All day I was tired of sleeping. Physical fatigue’. He was invited to go to the family doctor and, being ‘young and healthy’, ‘sent home’. They didn't shake his hand or tell him anything about the coronavirus. “Everything was ignorance among the first patients, and their protocol was to send them home being young and healthy.”
He has remembered that he has always had a high fever, and has reported that within a few days he began to notice that he had a high fever. He was sent to the emergency room. “I’ve walked as a step forward. So it wasn't said that COVID-19 could cause diarrhea, and I was sent home, and I wasn't allowed to leave the house." After all, three weeks passed, and that was when the PCR test was first performed. “Say negative, so the medical family told me clearly that the coronavirus was ruled out. But three weeks later I couldn't test positive." There begins the nightmare for the young man. Although he thought he was going to be cured, he did not. She's been touched by different health problems.
He doesn't get his health back. He continues with a low-grade fever, has breathing problems, coughing, and tiredness continues in his body. He tells him that he cannot do “everyday life.” He has had to pass many medical examinations to see if he has any other illness, ‘but nothing has come out’. After a lot of work, he was able to do the serology test, and there he was negative too. “There are a lot of people in the association who have tested negative, there are also people who have been admitted,” he stressed, and he explained a theory: “Now they are saying that ours are not the consequences, but that we are experiencing the symptoms, and that we still have the virus in the body, and that is why we do not generate antibodies.”
"I'm not looking for any explanation of what's happening to me. They tell you so clearly it's not COVID-19, even though you think it is. I don't have any other illness either... there are new situations, and the doctors don't see you, that is, by the time they saw me, I'd already had those symptoms." “Every day is an adventure and you don’t know how you will rise the next day,” he continues. "You're sick, you don't go around and you don't know when it's going to end. It's very hard." And “I’m not of hypochondria,” he added.
He is also aware that this is a new situation for the doctors in the area. He says he has been patient, but “we just ask you to have empathy with us. We want him to be heard and cared for, and not to have to fight with the doctor. We sink with what we're hearing. This situation must become apparent’.
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