On 26 May, the Urruña military of the Socialist Movement, Gabi Daraspe, arrested in Itziar, was released on 1 June, after six days in Martutene prison, when the judge accepted the suspension of the 2018 sentence. In 2018 he was convicted of the events of a student strike.
The Socialist Council of Euskal North Herria has maintained the demonstration called for his freedom, because they consider that the reasons for mobilizing have not changed. In fact, they have pointed out that there are two open pleas against the young Urrujan and that both relate to political action. The demonstration will start on Friday at 19:00 from Plaza San Andrés de Baiona.
The conveners of the demonstration have denounced that “in times of capitalist crisis, the capitalist State has begun to accelerate repressive forces, reducing the freedom to mobilize and make politics.” In addition to Darabim’s acquittal, the defence of political working conditions and total amnesty will be forced to complain at the demonstration of the working capital.
Born 2 October 1968. A few months earlier, the student movement started on June 22 organized a rally in the Plaza de las Tres Cultura, in the Nonoalco-Tlatelolco unit of the city. The students gathered by the Mexican army and the paramilitary group Olympia Battalion were... [+]
We Basques know that the State apparatus is prepared to take advantage of repressive forces of all colours and repressive mechanisms in all forms, in order to maintain social order within a system based on domination, even if to do so they have to infringe a law created to their... [+]
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), 11 February 1954. The Agricultural Colony of Tefia was launched at the abandoned airport of the island, in the middle of the desert. After the euphemism of the agricultural colony, in practice, Tefia was a concentration camp known mainly for the... [+]