Last week, trials were launched against the G7 retaliation in Dax (Las Landas). On Friday, for its part, a dozen more people will be made available to the courts, according to the citizen network Aman Unos in a statement. At the beginning of the judicial route, the network has called for the solidarity of the repressive and repressive of Catalonia. On Friday, a meal has been arranged in front of the Baiona courts, and in the afternoon, the Epaiska Association will open its doors in Baiona Ttipia.
“It should be noted that none of the arrests have been carried out for reasons of violence, although the Baiona prosecutor said otherwise, almost all arrests were carried out as a preventive measure,” said the Aman Komunsarea network.
Samuel Vuelta, Simon Baiona's attorney, said that 146 people were arrested in the Basque Country and in the neighbouring territories. Among them, three young Germans who were on the Basque coast were arrested by French police officers. The prosecutor's reports also indicated that sixteen people had been thrown out of French territory "because of their dangerousness", the network reported in a statement.
As was police repression, the Aman Komunak network provides for several trials in the coming months.
Macron was pleased with Biarritz, also Oteiza, Kino’s businessman, who gave Trump the ham. But the G7 summit caused disappointment in the waves of revolutionaries. Some had gone to skate, because of undeclared demonstrations to set cities on fire, dressed in yellow or defying... [+]
What remains after the G7? A good communication operation for Macron, but with very poor diplomatic results in terms of results. However, for Euskal Herria it has been a significant fact: the response of the sociopolitical agents at the same time and, on the one hand, the action... [+]
Aktualitate beroan, zenbait kasuan kiskali gaituen aktualitatea. G7aren eta honi aurre egin zion kontra-gailurraren bilanaz mintzatuko gara. Ez da gure asmoa polemikak edo barneko trapu zikinak ateratzea, baina bai ostatuetan, bilkura geletan edo sare sozialetan aipatzen den... [+]