The G7 consists of the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Canada. The platform has criticized that these summits are used to channel commitments based on the interests of capitalism and that through them "the economic and financial policies imposed on other peoples" are decided. The powers are characterised by free trade, deregulation, neoliberalism and budgetary austerity, and “first and foremost, the G7 summits that waste huge economic burdens are nothing more than communication operations”.
Social justice, solidarity and equality
Before that, “G7 ez! From EH to another world” claims a different world, based on social justice, solidarity and equality, following the mobilizations and projects being carried out in recent years in Euskal Herria: against climate change, in favor of the right to the circulation of citizenship, in defense of the rights of workers, from feminism, in favor of cultural and linguistic diversity, against war and for the sake of peace, in self-promotion.
“In this sense, in addition to rejecting the presence of the G7, we would like to give a boost to social change,” they say, and encourage the citizens to join. Popular movements that have already joined include the Commons, Askapena, Attac, Anti-militarist Peace Action, Bilgune Feminist, Eleak Libre, ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak, and numerous trade unions and political parties.
Macron was pleased with Biarritz, also Oteiza, Kino’s businessman, who gave Trump the ham. But the G7 summit caused disappointment in the waves of revolutionaries. Some had gone to skate, because of undeclared demonstrations to set cities on fire, dressed in yellow or defying... [+]
What remains after the G7? A good communication operation for Macron, but with very poor diplomatic results in terms of results. However, for Euskal Herria it has been a significant fact: the response of the sociopolitical agents at the same time and, on the one hand, the action... [+]
Aktualitate beroan, zenbait kasuan kiskali gaituen aktualitatea. G7aren eta honi aurre egin zion kontra-gailurraren bilanaz mintzatuko gara. Ez da gure asmoa polemikak edo barneko trapu zikinak ateratzea, baina bai ostatuetan, bilkura geletan edo sare sozialetan aipatzen den... [+]