In hundreds of meetings and appointments organized to get this suspension, we've all learned a lot. The emerging strategy, ideology and diversity of discrepancies have made this issue a complex and rich one. Victory cannot be made by anyone from a particular trend or trend, because it has been collective. Historical peasants, naturalists, Zadists, local and remote militants, trade unionists, jurists... Let's stop this capitalist, climate project together. Today, we all agree that the sum of forces and the diversity of tactics must stop the decision-makers of the airport.
On 17 November of the same year, a message on social media in protest at the rise in fuel taxes raised its eyes. The movement of these jackets, out of habit and in an open circle, has put political power in crisis and is trying to structure it in the long term. The confluence of struggles and alternatives, the desire of so many groups and institutions in recent years, has become a manifest necessity in many places and the bases pull it out.
This year, from 24 to 26 August, Biarritz will witness a spectacular sunset. Although Macron’s liberal and authoritarian economic governance is becoming less and less accepted, Macron is going to invite six other heads of state over the US leader, the summit of economic liberalism. We all perceive the devastating consequences of the growth of the effects of this political option, for 99% of the population is for the planet as a whole. Macron, with his accomplices, wants to strike a new blow to the climate, to the rights of people and peoples, to the alternatives of capitalism, to the independence struggle in Euskal Herria. Surrounded by 15,000 policemen, they want us back to whistle in the face, thrown up by the savage forces of repression, making us believe that they are for the well-being of all.
Two years ago, the ties between the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes and some groups in the Basque Country were deepened. The meetings and celebrations of two years of auzolan to build a hut to unite Ambazada to the peoples and struggles of the world, have given rise to mutual knowledge and aid. The new auzolan will soon pass from 15 to 21 April for the laying of slabs and tiles.
Next summer, for the third edition, the intergalactic week will go to Euskal Herria. In the two previous editions of the ZAD, hundreds of people from remote territories participated to exchange their dynamics and projects. Since then, other approaches have emerged and in the future, Ambazada will be an open space for militant and cultural groups with common objectives, in the special space of the ZAD: although last year it suffered a brutal expulsion operation and wants to continue to increase the administrative obstacles for the retention of lands, live together and be a meeting place.
The ZAD will always be there and we will not abandon it; nor will we forget our friends. We are preparing a new frame to bring it to Euskal Herria, and like many others, we will participate in the mobilizations that are preparing against the G7 in Euskal Herria. Despite the fact that ETA abandons its arms, in a repressive people, the confrontation turns into imprisonment for years, in which hundreds of political prisoners away from their homes suffer long sentences.
So this year, on the shores of the Basque beaches. Next year we will return to our ZAD. Against the G7, in favor of the unification of struggles and the intergalactic week, come to support the vital forces of Euskal Herria, from 19 to 26 August.
Camille Laforet, member of Ambazada
Macron was pleased with Biarritz, also Oteiza, Kino’s businessman, who gave Trump the ham. But the G7 summit caused disappointment in the waves of revolutionaries. Some had gone to skate, because of undeclared demonstrations to set cities on fire, dressed in yellow or defying... [+]
What remains after the G7? A good communication operation for Macron, but with very poor diplomatic results in terms of results. However, for Euskal Herria it has been a significant fact: the response of the sociopolitical agents at the same time and, on the one hand, the action... [+]
Aktualitate beroan, zenbait kasuan kiskali gaituen aktualitatea. G7aren eta honi aurre egin zion kontra-gailurraren bilanaz mintzatuko gara. Ez da gure asmoa polemikak edo barneko trapu zikinak ateratzea, baina bai ostatuetan, bilkura geletan edo sare sozialetan aipatzen den... [+]