Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“Football and dance have always loved, and has never influenced each other.”

  • Joseba Sarriegi (Beasain, 1994) has given continuity to the paternal trajectory, as he teaches his descendants the dances of Beasain inherited from previous generations. It has always been special for the San Martin de Loinaz, especially when the father is missing. The dance teacher Xabier Sarriegi Paxatxo died last year, but his continuation was already closely linked. The premiere of the documentary Azken dantza maisua (Last Master Dance), focused on dance and transmission, and starring the father and son Sarriegi.
Joseba Sarriegi ezpata-dantzariekin prozesioan, Loinazko San Martin ezpata-dantza, Beasain, 2022-05-30. Argazkia: Amaiur Aristi - Dantzan CC-BY-SA
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

08 June 2022 - 17:28

How do you live today?

It has been a special day since I was young and over the years it has become more special, because it touches me emotionally. Today I would start dancing at the age of 8-9. He was the father, the teacher of the dance, and he was teaching him. Until I was 12, or I did, I was also a captain.

And now we show it.

I accompanied my father for two or three years and came here with him, and then with my cousin and with her there are years. We are dedicated to preparing children. My father was the one who took care of everything, and now we distributed the work in a group.

Do you have a special way to prepare the tests, no?

We rehearsed on the lyceum porches. From Monday to Thursday from 17:30 to 18:30 the teachers are there and the children come whenever they want.

Two years ago, when he was not dancing in San Martin, has this court influenced young people?

In two years we have tried not to leave it at all. In 2020, there were the young people who were on the balconies, and last year we were demonstrating, otherwise, that the turns and all the limited were being beaten.

On Friday the documentary will show how to transmit the dance and you the protagonist.

Yes, my cousin Mikel Alvarez proposed it to me. It is a subject that touches me and moves me, but it has been a cousin and knowing that with him I would make recordings, with nervousness, I cheered, because I had no doubt that the final result would be very nice.

You will appear as a ballerina and footballer. Is dance compatible with football?

Football and dance have always loved each other, and have never influenced each other. Perhaps throughout my life I have made more football, but when I have danced and I have to prove it I do it at ease.

Will people wait to see the documentary in the village?

Yes, yes, a lot of people have told me that they've seen teaser and trailers and that they're eager. That's nice, but I get more and more nervous. As the days approach, I think I'll notice the movements in the gut.

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