Athletic Club footballer Iñaki Williams filed a complaint after the match between Athletic Club and Espaynole on January 25. He denounced that he had received racist insults at the San Mamés football camp on Saturday night. This has been manifested in social networks: “I’m sad because we’ve tied up and especially because I’ve suffered racist mockery. Nobody of a black race or of any race wants to hear it. It’s totally out of place.”
The Professional Football League stated in a statement that it "disregards" what happened on Saturday at RCDE Stadium and that it is concerned. Since then, the mockery of racism and violent events has diminished, but they have made it clear that they are not enough.
Williams, at the end of the match, was in charge of denouncing what happened. The League says it will look for ways for the player who has felt offended to immediately inform the referee and take the necessary steps at the time.
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