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Fruit in steels

  • A Miss or Mister Moztare has cut in order of a dwelling several Japanese maruges (Morus bombycis), who lived very well near a beach.

26 November 2020 - 11:38

On this beach, known as Antilla, trees have been planting for years. Tradition comes from the last century. A lot of trees have been planted, but only a few of them have made progress. The place is very hard for life, and all the winds that exist and that don't exist make encounters there, and the grains of sand that drag and the salt of the saltpetre hit and destroy the trees. The tests have been carried out with a myriad of unique species, but there are no specimens that show a tagus, except a row of Japanese maruades. I don't know if the Japanese are happy because they live in perfect order of creatures, but they're pretty.

It is a tree shaped as an umbrella, which has no earning to climb and climb, whose branches widen and cast a shadow on it. It has large leaves, very abundant in the branches, which as they stretch become crouching, forming a dense foliage. The leaves of the white marugado (Morus alba), a relative of the Japanese, are those used to feed the silkworm.

The marugado looks like a maruga fruit, white and black Japanese. It is a sweet fruit that is used to make jam, must, syrup, wine, etc. ; from the black comes anthocyanin which is used as a red food coloring. When Japanese black specimens are on the tree, they are red before they are mature and fall, and they are barely detected in the most abundant foliage. But when they fall on the ground, you'll guess. If below there is grass or earth, somewhere, but as in Antilla there is a sidewalk of elegant slabs, they make a nice curvature. It's a soft, abundant fruit, overflowing with sugar, and what it is for those who take it from the tree when they fall to the ground, all dirty, all hurtful, in other mouths is nothing but a complaint and a blasphemy. And the most beautiful shade of the entire beach is dirty with sweet fruits.

The workers and the municipal authorities responsible for maintaining the grasslands, gardens, etc. You'd hear a lot of complaints about the area. But those responsible, who are responsible for acting responsibly, also have a responsibility to seek the best solution once complaints have been received. Before cutting the trees through the ass.

On the street, when it comes to planting trees and, above all, trees, it is appropriate to choose those that do not provide as little fruit as possible. In Donostia-San Sebastian, in one of these central streets, are placed the Chinese perals that liberate pears the size of the fist (Pyrus calleriana “Chanticleer”). In our village the same species is planted in a parking lot, less bad than it gives small fruit; however, people often complain about the lirding that adult warmers bring in their cars.

For that, sterile trees and trees are being formed. Sterility so you don’t have to say “forgiveness” in the hindrance produced by the sweet fruit. What a sterile thing!

For the marugado of the beach of Antilla de Orio, two solutions: plant the sterile white marugado (Morus alba “Fruitless”) or, best, leave the marugados right there and clean the sidewalk down every day as the city hall. Two sidewalks in the shade of the beautiful...

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