The unions FSU, UNAS, SGEN-CFDT, CGT, FO, SUD and SNALC have called on the educational centres in Iparralde to strike on Monday to demand the paralysis of the educational reform projects announced at the end of September by the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer.
The bill for a trust school intends to be voted on next January at the French National Assembly for its entry into force in the 2019-2020 course.
Minister Blanquer wants to create 1,800 new jobs in primary schools, but according to the unions, “resources from other areas cannot be reduced to achieve this goal”.
The trade unions have added that the priority that the French Government wants to give to education is "unreal desire" and that the reforms they seek to implement seek "a reduction in jobs".
Against this background, on Monday's strike, they will call for the cessation of job cuts and the creation of the necessary posts, the rejection of the draft law for a school of trust, the abandonment of the reform of the low and high school or the withdrawal of the project of unification of academies.
More mobilisations
In Baiona they will demonstrate on Monday at 10:30 a.m. and the LAB syndicate will also join the protest. The Abertzale syndicate has denounced that this is "an attack on the working conditions of workers and teachers" and that they want to give "a liberal and reactionary character to educational establishments".
LAB delegate in education, Pettan Aizager, has stressed that the abolition of jobs will not lead to "better education" and has not specified that the French Government will "cut" second-level jobs.
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