In a territory where more than six million Muslims live, France has assumed "the war against the ideology of Islam", according to the French Interior Minister. Macron has also taken advantage of the teacher's murder to, once again, make a "firm defence" of the values of the French Republic, speak of Muslim separatism and launch a cry for the cartoons of Mohammed in the name of freedom of expression. The facts have once again put on the table old debates on the basis of the cultural shock in Europe.
Many Muslims have described as attacks the words of the president, as well as the defense of the cartoons of the prophet, and have made mass protests at the international level. They have also called for the boycott of French products, considering that Macron is trying to obtain the votes of the French extreme right. Like the United States, it is believed that France is looking for enemies based on its interventions in Muslim countries. He is accused of a crime of neocolonialism and of doing business to defend human rights and public freedoms.
Fake videos to criminalize Muslims
At the same time, they have denounced that videos are being broadcast via whatsapp and social media that seek to criminalise the Islamic community and to reinforce hatred against migrants. In the videos you can see the church, the state or the Christian crossings attacking and it is said that it is Muslims who are doing that, but they are not images of the day and nor is it true that it is Muslim citizens who appear in the video.
Law against Islamic extremists
In this context, Macron referred to the law that the French Government wants to bring out in December: among other things, the law will force all children to attend school at the age of 3 – to ensure education in accordance with the values of the French State –; it will put in place measures to control mosques and the financing of mosques; and it will be forbidden to go on increasing the magnets to France from Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.
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