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New technique of the French police: marking protesters with an invisible product to stop them

  • On 26 March two people were arrested in Sainte-Solin after being marked with the PMC product during the demonstration the day before. This is the first time that this product has been used in France against demonstrators, and the detainees have made their cases known in the media.

11 April 2023 - 11:26
Last updated: 13:02
Istiluak izan ziren martxoaren 25ean uraska erraldoien aurka egindako manifestazioan, Sainte Solinen. (Argazkia: AFP/Yohan Bonnet)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Two people are detained in Sainte-Solin (France) after being marked by the police with an invisible product. From the demonstration on 25 March against the gigantic abbreviations, they were marked with the PMC product and captured the following day.

With this technique, police point the protesters away with a paintball rifle with the PMC product. The product is invisible and lasts weeks in skin and clothing. Only visible with ultraviolet rays.

One of the detainees was Clemente B, a journalist working for Le Monde and Radio France. He informed Reporterre that he had no contact with the police during the demonstration. On 26 March, he was arrested in a roadside check and his car was checked. They went outside and had an ultraviolet light lamp. He was later transferred to Gendarmeria, where the lamp also passed. According to the journalist, he saw in his hand a "line of felt". He was charged with belonging to a group that committed violence against people and damage to property. It was 28 hours.

The second detainee had a small spot between his thumb and forefinger. He informs Reporter that the product was not delivered directly, that came to his disposal in contact with someone or something. In fact, the PMC takes about five minutes to dry, when it can be transferred.

This is the first time they have used this technique in France against demonstrators. They use it in other cases, such as expensive products to combat theft.




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