Basically, President Macron’s Executive has taken a step towards implementing a ‘stricter’ control policy already called for by the French right. The French liberal government will gradually introduce a new system of measures to "control" migrants.
The argument that often appears in Macron’s speeches is as follows: “We have to fight hard against fraud and abuse.” The French trade unions and popular movements believe that the Government of Philippe has assumed this "argument" as an "excuse" and that it will apply various quotas to French immigration policy.
These quotas will impose drastic measures on working conditions, and in particular ‘paperless’ and ‘refugees’ will be subject to even stricter controls on work. These new measures affect the health of migrants. In other words, immigrants in an irregular situation will hardly have a minimum of health care. Up to three months from now, unlike what has happened so far, immigrants would not have been able to be treated. Only in the extreme state of emergency will they be able to enjoy the minimum of health services.
These new political intentions of the French Government have caused unrest between the leftist parties and also in some sectors of Macron’s own formation. In addition, these new measures will have an extraordinary impact on the Basque Country, as the Paris Government will strengthen border controls between the French Basque Country and the South.
The measures of this new plan will be implemented by the end of this year, as reported by the Executive presided over by Edouard Philippe.
Two weeks ago, the financing of the French radio stations was at issue, as the French Ministry of Culture intended to reduce subsidies to local associations by 35%. At that time, there were about 200 associations in the labour market, including Euskal Irratiak of Iparralde.
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