At a press conference on 7 September, SEASKA denounced the "irresponsibility" and "imposition" of the French Ministry of Education in the context of the coronavirus. In particular, the federation has denounced that "no special measures have been taken" to deal with the health context, "apart from masks", adding that they lack the resources to do so. “We all know that we are going to need smaller groups than we have to ensure that distances are maintained and not mixed, but the Ministry of Education has not provided for that. If the evolution of the pandemic leads us to it, the only option we will have in the ikastolas is to send the students home”, in the words of SEASKA president Peio Jorajuria.
In addition, the lehendakari of SEASKA underlined the impact that the measures to deal with the health crisis have had on the financing of the ikastolas: “We have a very difficult year.” SEASKA has been forced to reject Herri Urrats and other initiatives being carried out in Euskal Herria.
Year after year, the number of students is increasing and thus the number of ikastolas is also increasing. In this way, the Ikastolas federation has announced the need for a fifth school in the educational establishment. Larzabal, Kanbo, Ziburu and Baiona are secondary schools; the fifth should be in the Senpere-Azkaine area or around Hazparne.
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]
Haserre mintzatu da Peio Jorajuria Seaskako lehendakaria, Beskoitzeko Herriko Etxeak astelehenean hartutako erabakiarekin. 51 haur dituen ikastolarekin hitzarmena eten du auzapezak, eta sei hilabeteren buruan debekatuta izango dute bertan eskolak ematea. Gurasoek harridura... [+]
Egoera tirabiratsua bizi dute Beskoitzeko ikastolako gurasoek herriko etxearekin. Herriko gelak baliatzeko debekuak, baimen ezeztatzeak edota jantegi publikoan bazkaltzeko mugak...