The motion of censure tabled by the New People ' s Front on the left, which needed 288 votes to be adopted, has received 331 votes. Thus, the French Government has collapsed at the end of the afternoon of 4 December, according to government sources. The text has been supported by the National Union of the Far Right (RN) and the group of Eric Ciotti, one of the most voted parties.
On 2 December, Prime Minister Michel Barnier tabled two motions for censure without Parliament’s approval and for approving the Social Security budgets under Article 49.3 of the Constitution, one on the left and one on the far right. Many have described as "historic" the vote on 4 December in the plenary of the Basque Parliament. In the meantime, the Abertzale Labortano MP Peio Dufau has published the following from account X: "The austerity social security budget imposed by Article 49.3 would further deteriorate public services. The reason for this error lies in talking only with the NB. I voted for the motion of censure with conscience."
Macron, who had a parliament without a clear majority since 7 July, had to count on the support of the extreme right in order to move forward. Basically, the Left has denounced this cooperation on more than one occasion. The New Popular Front was the first force in the elections to the Basque Parliament, but Macron did not form a left-wing government in September. The New People ' s Front strongly criticized the decision, believing that the formed Government was undemocratic and consensual with the extreme right, causing enormous shock.
This time, however, Macron has not received the support of Marine Le Pen, of RN, and precisely the extreme right has fallen to support the text of the Abertzale left. After the vote, Le Pen immediately recalled Barnier's three "promises": "tax justice", "balance" of public accounts and the "coexistence" of the budget with "oppositions". However, the representative of the extreme right has clarified the following: "The vote was not cordial, far from it," he said.
The Barnier government has lasted only three months, and President Emmanuel Macron is once again facing a political crisis that has brought him back to work. You will take the floor this Thursday at 20:00.
5. It is the second time that the Government has fallen under the Republic. It was the first in 1962, with a motion of censure against the government of Georges Pompidou.
Two weeks ago, the financing of the French radio stations was at issue, as the French Ministry of Culture intended to reduce subsidies to local associations by 35%. At that time, there were about 200 associations in the labour market, including Euskal Irratiak of Iparralde.
The... [+]
Three months have passed since the elections to the French Parliament. It was July 7, and to everyone's surprise, the New Popular Front on the left, the FHB, won. With the aim of cutting the road to the far right that was successful in the first round, in the second round the... [+]
What seemed impossible or complicated has materialized: The leftist parties undertake to form a single candidature for the elections to the French Parliament. On the occasion of the victory of the far-right RN National Union in the votes to the European Parliament, President... [+]
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