Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has resigned to the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. The proposal has been approved and the current members of the Government will continue to work until a new group is appointed, according to the Le Monde newspaper.
Macron advanced a "remodeling" after the municipal elections, bringing the Republic in March (LREM) a worse outcome than expected. Philippe, who was re-elected on Sunday as mayor of Le Havre, will take office on 4 June. This has been the only weight win for LREM candidates.
In the run-up to the presidential election in 2022, Macron announced “strong responses and great environmental ambitions, with a level of challenges and expectations.”
Two weeks ago, the financing of the French radio stations was at issue, as the French Ministry of Culture intended to reduce subsidies to local associations by 35%. At that time, there were about 200 associations in the labour market, including Euskal Irratiak of Iparralde.
The... [+]
Three months have passed since the elections to the French Parliament. It was July 7, and to everyone's surprise, the New Popular Front on the left, the FHB, won. With the aim of cutting the road to the far right that was successful in the first round, in the second round the... [+]
What seemed impossible or complicated has materialized: The leftist parties undertake to form a single candidature for the elections to the French Parliament. On the occasion of the victory of the far-right RN National Union in the votes to the European Parliament, President... [+]
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