The French National Assembly has today voted to ban all train flights that can be carried out in two and a half hours or less. The first of the three votes to be taken took place on 10 April, when it will be transferred to the Senate to continue the procedure. The measure is part of the Law on Climate Change of the French Republic.
The aim of the law is to reduce carbon emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2030. However, the initial draft referred to train journeys of less than four hours and not two and a half hours, as the Spanish State has finally done decidido.En, the rule of the same name has recently been passed in Congress, and has also passed to the Senate. Finally, it has left the target at a cut of 23%, and there is no question of banning domestic flights in the Basque Country.
The French Government’s decision comes half a year after a report by the European Aviation Safety Agency confirmed a study that found that the climate impact of aviation is three times mayor.La the airlines’ annual contribution to the climate emergency would amount to 5.9% of all greenhouse gases, compared with 2% advocated by the industry.
If the decision of 10 April were adopted, domestic flights in the country would be virtually extinguished on continental territory under the command of the French State.
Several environmental groups have questioned the Government’s plan to veto internal flights, as they have advocated banning distances that can be served in less than four hours per train. Industry, for its part, has strongly criticised the decision, as this is a measure that comes after the last few years.
A few days after the adoption of the climate law in the National Assembly, the European Commission gave its approval to the rescue of Air France by the French Government. France will contribute EUR 4 billion to the airline and the State will become the first shareholder, as it already has 30% of the shares.
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