Next to the garage door is the Zidarne, at the back of the station, more or less. Since 1960 there have been the RPIM of the first regiment of marine parachutes, proof of which are the shots that are heard at any time. CADE, Bergeret-22 and Attaque associations have denounced the "artificialisation" of the execution of works on an area of 43.8 hectares of land: It would cut 1.5 hectares of forest. Upon discharge, the working capital is conditioned by the Coasts Law of 1986 and according to that law, the Local Urban Plan considers the significant forest spaces of the city, including that of the Ciudadela, as protected forest spaces. In this way, these 1.5 hectares should not be affected. The point is that the RPIM has a request to amend this urban document, precisely. In addition to the forest, they have other environmental concerns such as the loss of biodiversity, water quality, etc.
It is a hostel, a building for the planting of a multi-technical pole, a Training Building for the Urban Struggle, another for the maintenance of the Nautical Company, a parking and two water tanks for the regeneration of the pluvial network. Both environmentalists and some of the neighbours in the Santa Spirituu neighbourhood are mobilising against this scourge. In addition, they have called on the public to participate in the public survey that has been launched. The problem is that the information has not passed and, according to the associations, citizens are not informed either of the project or of the public survey. The survey will be closed on 20 September with the publication of a communiqué.
We were yelling, “New Year, what brings us?”, around the first night of the year, at the preemies who crossed the road. Waiting for the foals, drunks, us. And as there was no runner or selfie yet, we would find most of the Russians who had gone out to put down the excesses... [+]
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]