The judgment of the Duai Court has made the leap to one of the great conflicts that the peasants in the French State have experienced over recent years. In fact, one of the symbols of industrial livestock farming was the huge barn built in the village of Ducrat, which in French has been summed up in the title "1,000 vaches" (Mila behi). ARGIA summed up the conflict in July 2014 in its chronicle "Cows in stables, not milk and manure factories": "The farmers of the French state want to paralyse the huge farm that will house over 1,000 cows and 800 more heifers. If it is that size, in Caparroso de Navarra. And in India, multinationals want to build a total of 40,000 cows. Farmers teach us what cheap milk hides.
As throughout the world, this new agro-industry project found no more support than support from the authorities and the citizens who mobilized against the damage of all kinds of this gigantic infrastructure met around the environmental association Novissen and the Confederation Paysanne, which includes the Basque ELB. The legitimacy of the giant farm implanted by the de facto industrialists in 2014 was confirmed by the courts in a first judgment in 2017, but it has now been won on appeal by ecologists and farmers, as read in this chronicle of Le Monde.
Confederation Paysane values the latest news: "We want the ruling to be implemented immediately and that this is the first step towards ending aid for industrial cultivation once and for all and to reorient fully our public policies affecting agriculture, food and land management in favour of popular cultivation."
Agroindustriaren sektoreaz informatzeko orduan, “benetako omertà” egoeran kausitzen dira kazetari bretoiak. Inork ez du hitz egin nahi eta hitz eginez gero presioak, mehatxuak, auzibideak zein zentsurak dituzte ordainean. Sektore indartsua delako... [+]