The tribute has been organized by the historical memory group Elgoibar 1936 and will begin at 11:00 in the cemetery of Olaso. In recent months, the relatives of the deceased have been sought for the act of homage.
Although they have joined several family members, they have not been able to contact them all and have the impression that the death toll could be longer than the previous one. Therefore, if information is available, two means of communication have been made available to the public: Telephone 605 772 285 and email
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Segundo Hernandez preso anarkistaren senide Lander Garciak hunkituta hitz egin du, Ezkabatik ihes egindako gasteiztarraren gorpuzkinak jasotzerako orduan. Nafarroako Gobernuak egindako urratsa eskertuta, hamarkada luzetan pairatutako isiltasuna salatu du ekitaldian.
Francoren heriotzaren ondoren, 1936ko fusilatuen senideak haien gorpuak berreskuratzen hasi ziren Nafarroan. Hasierako desobiratze haiek ezkutuan egin ziren, erakundeen laguntzarik gabe; hainbat herritar eta apaiz konprometituren ekimena izan zen, Ollakarizketako hobian 1979an... [+]