The journalist has given the news through social media. After 22 years working at EITB, Franck Dolosor will continue his journey in Urdin Euskal Herria Irratia (the public radio of Iparralde), where he has been director of EiTB. The Labortan communicator has been the image of the news of Ipar Euskal Herria in the informative and in the Iparraldearen orena program. His latest report will be issued in that programme on 13 September.
Many colleagues and citizens have thanked Dolosor for the work he has done over the years on Twitter. They pointed out that he is an excellent journalist and they wished him luck on the new road, although they recognised that "they will miss him".
Hedoi Etxarte —"Serious? For me, you're Iparralde's TV," Xabier Euzkitze -- "Thank you for everything you've given you. Good road, my friend! Or Oihana Daguerre -- "You go back to the world of sounds. I'm really glad you're here, Franck. Good trip! "—.
The journalist, for his part, thanked all viewers: He has acknowledged that the experience lived for two decades has been “wonderful.”
Now that he leaves EITB, Dolosor will also participate in the program The Basque Radio Gallery. Every Saturday, at 21:30 hours, Bego? Yebra will be accompanied by Hego Euskal Herria's program.
Mugimenduak mahai gainean jarri du euskarazko edukiak sustatzeko beharra, eta horren aurrean ETBk duen interes falta. Lehentasuna gaztelaniazko saioei ematea egotzi dio. ETB emozioen festa izan dadin, aldatu gidoia euskararen alde! lelopean, aldaketa eskatu dio telebista... [+]
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the petirreds. After laying, the cuckoo does not feed and grows to your puppy, as the robin takes care of it.
I don't know how many years of survival the cubes have. I know that the bird in our house is over 40 years old and unfortunately... [+]
Berrian lan egiten duen kazetariak, Euskal Telebistaz liburua idatzi berri du Txoria hodei artean, ETB lehen eta gero. Galdera batekin abiatzen du liburua kazetariak: 40 urte bete dituen Euskal Telebistak behar den gisan arrapostu ematen al dio euskal jendartearen egungo... [+]
The news I read a few weeks ago prompted me to address this issue: ETB3’s decision not to extend Ene Kantak’s children’s program at ETB3 surprised me and I still do not understand it, being an orderly and appropriate program.
I see very little television in recent years,... [+]