On 10 June, 43 years have passed since the assassination of Vicente Vadillo Francis at the Apollo de Errenteria. He was shot by the police Antonio Cava, for his transvestite, which provoked huge citizen protests in 1979, making the LGTB movement more visible.
This year, for the first time, on 17 May, day against LGBTBIphobia, adding the memory of Francis and 28 June, which wants to claim sexual liberation, the City Hall of Errenteria has organized the Francisaldia cycle, in collaboration with the LGBTBI+ table. They organize the cycle “For the right to equality and non-discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation” with the aim of “promoting the free experience of diversity”.
The cycle, which will last until June 28, includes the public presentation of Errenteria’s LGTBI+ action plan, the open micro LGTBI erotic stories, the concert of Yogurinha Borova, the eRR performance (for the students the group will also perform a new session), the cineforrum, the kalejira de transmarikabollo, the narrative “Maaburzurne”
See the full program in this link.