The representative of the United network, Frack Free, announced that 15,000 masks will be distributed among the protesters by the magnate Jim Ratcliffe, the owner of the company INEOS, with devil horns in the head. "We want to take advantage of the race to shake consciences, we do not want to oppose the test, but to bring to light what is behind the new Ineos," said Mason, as read on the Cyclingnews website: "We want to show what the Ineos is, which has to do with the impact that it would have if you were allowed to dig the lands of Yorkshire. It is shameful that Ratcliff takes advantage of sport to clean up the image of fossil fuels."
In the same vein, the environmental organization Oil Change International has spoken. With the support of the cycling team, Ineos has denounced that he wants to do "a green cleaning". Various groups have recalled that last season Sky joined the campaign against the amount of plastic that accumulates in the oceans and that Ineos is one of the largest plastic producers in Europe.
Back to Yorkshire starts next Thursday, May 2.
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