On November 27, the Official State Gazette (BOE) published the Environmental Impact Declaration favorable to the drilling of the Armentia 2 well in Álava. In 2010, SHESA tried to drill the same well, so it did not obtain the corresponding permission. He notes that conventional techniques will be used on this occasion, but the objective remains the same: Gas extraction from Balmaseda underground formation of 1,400 km2.
According to the Fracking Ez movement, with excuses, “many wells will have to be made to extract large amounts of gas.” In addition, the machines should traverse the Subijana aquifer to reach the construction of Balmaseda, “the largest groundwater reserve in the CAPV and that has been classified as a basic strategic resource to supply the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz in case of an emergency”.
Responsibility of local institutions
The Armentia 2 raft is already authorized by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment. Consequently, and with the aim of re-paralyzing the project, Fracking Ez has looked at the “closest institutions”: Basque Government, Diputación de Álava and City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The Basque Government is “the main driver of the project”, according to the environmental movement. However, there is no provision in the 2020 budgets for the Armenian well 2. Although the Basque Government does not rule out the possibility of budgetary fraud, the movement does not believe that work on the well will start in 2020. They suspect that the government’s objective for next year is “to advance in the processing of licences and permits necessary for the start of works”. Fracking Ez foresees difficulties in obtaining these permits.
SHESA obtained authorisation from the Ministry of the Environment for excavation of the same land in 2010. But the Enara 1 and 2 wells were not made. In the opinion of Fracking Ez, for two reasons: the spectacular mobilisation of citizens and the refusal of authorisation by the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The PGOU of Vitoria-Gasteiz described the land as urban, and in 2012 the report of municipal technicians pointed out that this is incompatible with drilling. SHESA initiated a process of digging the adjacent lands, but subsequently withdrew.
Francking Ez has denounced that he wants to return to 2010. “In order to be able to drill the Armentia 2 well, SHESA must apply for an activity licence. For the same activity and for the same plot carried out in the past”. The plot maintains the urban grading. The movement believes that only two reasons can explain the situation created. Or the “absolute incapacity” of the promoters, or the “connection and connection” of everything. Regarding the second option, he has shown his concern that the PNV "can assert its institutional hegemony" to try to change the urban classification.
Fracking Ez directly calls on the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Uraran (PNV), in view of this risk: “What position does Mr Uraran have in this regard? Are you going to allow this urban change or are you going to defend the position of municipal technicians?” Finally, it has also been addressed to the Member of Álava. The environmental movement says there are two positions. On the one hand, the technicians who have shown "serious doubts" on several occasions, and on the other hand, the MEP, who "wants to start a drilling party". “What criteria will be applied in this case?” he asked.
Towards an energy transition
Fracking Ez has claimed that it is time to put an end to the use of fossil fuels beyond technical debate. Armentia has denounced that after the works of 2 wells there would be another “hundreds” of wells, in which “hundreds of millions of euros” would be spent: “The Basque Government cannot start making major plans to extract gas from below the ground one day after the Climate Emergency was declared.” It has called for the spending on these industries to be directed towards renewable energy and energy transition policies.
Finally, Fracking Ez recalled that a few years ago a cycle of "very successful" mobilizations ended. Other agents took the witness later, but, although otherwise, the movement will continue to work to paralyse those who want to “pierce the environment” and be aware of the facts.
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Orkestraren azken txostenak hainbat datu azpimarragarri dakartza enplegu munduari buruz; bestetik, Bizkaiko ekitaldi eta negozio erraldoi handiei lupa jarriko diegu, Pello Zubiria Argiako kazetariak frackingaren egoera EAEn aztertu du.