The Government of Spain and EH Bildu have agreed to bring the retirement of Foral Police officers to 60 years. This decrease in the retirement age for police forces in Navarre is due, among other things, to an amendment by EH Bildu to the State General Budgets by 2022.
EH Bildu announced last Monday its intention to support the draft budget submitted by the Government of Pedro Sánchez, as it did last year. The Spanish State General Budgets continue to achieve, among other measures, an improvement in the conditions of the police forces. PSN Member Santos Cerdán applauded the agreement: "Thanks to the agreement, mutual listening and dialogue with Unidas Podemos and EH Bildu, the Foral Police will be able to retire at the age of 60."
This pact will be based on compromise amendments to the budgets of the Spanish State to lower the retirement age of the Mossos and Foral Police at 59 or 60 years, respectively. In this way, the apprehension will be equated with the regime that applies to the police, the Civil Guard and the Ertzaintza.
"We have managed to incorporate in the budgets an amendment to equate the situation and conditions of the Foral Police staff with the reducing coefficients of the retirement age of other collectives, responding to an old demand and overcoming the exclusionary situation," said EH Bildu.
Police privilege
These special conditions for the police, however, do not coincide with what the new pension reform will affect the vast majority of the workforce. In particular, the promoters of this measure plan to increase the number of years to calculate the amount of pensions from 25 to 35 years quoted.
The Social Security Minister, José Luis Escriva, advanced that the pensions of workers born between the 1950s and 70s of the last century will be gradually reduced. Otherwise, according to Escriva, "they will have to work a little more." In addition, he said that pre-retirements "will be punished."
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Herri batzarra eta kalejira egin dute Iruñeko Alde Zaharrean barrena astearte iluntzean. Foruzaingoak Nabarrerian jarraitzen du, auzokideei kalteak eraginez. Istiluak izan dira.
Goizeko 5:00ak aldera sartu dira barrura; ez zegoen inor bertan. Espainiako Poliziak Nabarreria plaza inguru osoa itxi du, inor bertaratu ez dadin. Foruzainen hitzetan, gaztetxearen egoera ikuskatzea dute helburu. Gaztetxekoek uste dute aitzakia hutsa dela eraikina husteko... [+]